
New Coaching Group

Track & Field Other 

Invicta East Kent AC coaches are pleased to announce the introduction of a new coached group from 1st October.
The Youth Squad (YS) will be multidisciplinary and will train on Tuesdays and Thursdays 6-8pm at the Canterbury Academy track.  It will incorporate all U13 and U15 athletes from the following existing groups: Karl's Monday/Wednesday throws group, Chanel/Thegla's Tuesday/Thursday multi-events group, Lyndsey's Tuesday/Thursday middle distance group, Mike's Wednesday/Friday middle distance group. All athletes will receive coaching across multiple event groups - sprints, jumps, throws, and endurance running.  All sessions will have elements of movement skills, technical developments, strength and speed to enable athletes to achieve their maximum potential and personal goals.
Within the YS, athletes will be allocated to sub-groups based on their interests/specialisms, but they will all take part in two different athletic disciplines each session.  Sessions will follow a general pattern: group warm up/movement skills, first group session in their preferred discipline, second session in a different discipline, group cooldown/stretching.
Athletes who demonstrate an aptitude for a specific event/discipline and a mature attitude will be invited to train with one of the specialised groups (typically U17+) for one session per week.
What do I need to do now:
If your athlete is U13/U15 (i.e. were aged 14 or younger on August 31st 2023) and they are currently training in one of the named groups above, you don't need to do anything.
If your athlete is U17+ (i.e. were aged 15 on August 31st 2023) and they are currently training in one of the named groups above, their coach will discuss with you which groups would be suitable to trial.
If your athlete is U13/U15 (i.e. were aged 14 or younger on August 31st 2023) and they are currently training in a group not listed above, stay with your current coach unless you wish to try the new group, in which case discuss with your current coach and reach out to one of the coaching team for the YS as well.
Event group coached sessions; sprints with Mike/Carlo/Claire//Sean, middle distance with Peter/Mike, road running with Sarah, throws with Karl, multievents with Darren/Alex will not be affected.