
Les Golding Herne Bay 10K



Les Golding Herne Bay 10k Press Release


The 2022 Les Golding Herne Bay 10k road race was run in unprecedented heat on Sunday 17th July. The weather was set to make it a very hot race, meaning our warm weather race plans would be tested for the first time. This meant an extra 2 water stations were laid on as well as extra marshals on course for the safety of the runners.


This year saw a new course and race director for the Herne Bay 10 after a 2-year absence due to Covid-19. 187 finishes on the day, traveling as far as Australia took part. Trying to keep shade before the race at 09.00, which would see the runners starting at Hampton Pier before taking to

the promenade, hoping for a easterly breeze runners made their way up to The Hotel Intercontinental before sweeping round the castle to head back along Tankerton Slopes, with plenty of extra water on hand as runners came over the line and finally collecting their medal.


Men’s winner Peter Hogben from Canterbury Harriers came home in 34.58 despite the heat so early, closely followed by Julian Rendall, Tonbridge AC 35.08 and Matthew Bawtree, Invicta East Kent 37.25 completing the top 3 finishers. The ladies winner Amy Seager (40.45) from South Kent Harriers just pipped Abigail Cardwell, Thanet Road Runners (40.47 ) to first position, Phoebe Cooper (43.59) the 3 rd female home.


Canterbury Harriers were the first men’s team home with Faversham Ladies first team. The race organisers were once again grateful to all the volunteers who helped on the day, particular thanks to all the marshals who for 2 ½ stood out on course in the heat, thanks to Rotary Club Herne Bay Marshals; as always a great supporter of the Herne bay 10K. All Invicta East Kent Volunteers members and family who again give up their Sunday morning.


Thanks to our sponsor The Running Outlet, an independent running shop in Canterbury. Our supporting Charity this year is Holding on Letting Go, a local charity that helps children to cope with the death of someone close to them, we thank them for coming along and raising awareness

of this small charity